The ultimate guide to EAPI 7


Michał Górny




Back when EAPI 6 was approved and ready for deployment, I have written a blog post entitled the Ultimate Guide to EAPI 6 1. Now that EAPI 7 is ready, it is time to publish a similar guide to it.

Of all EAPIs approved so far, EAPI 7 brings the largest number of changes. It follows the path established by EAPI 6. It focuses on integrating features that are either commonly used or that can not be properly implemented in eclasses, and removing those that are either deemed unnecessary or too complex to support. However, the circumstances of its creation are entirely different.

EAPI 6 was more like a minor release. It was formed around the time when Portage development has been practically stalled. It aimed to collect some old requests into an EAPI that would be easy to implement by people with little knowledge of Portage codebase. Therefore, the majority of features oscillated around bash parts of the package manager.

EAPI 7 is closer to a proper major release. It included some explicit planning ahead of specification, and the specification has been mostly completed even before the implementation work started. We did not initially skip features that were hard to implement, even though the hardest of them were eventually postponed.

I will attempt to explain all the changes in EAPI 7 in this guide, including the rationale and ebuild code examples.

Banned commands and removed variables

dohtml is banned

The dohtml function has been deprecated in EAPI 6 already, so it should come as no surprise that EAPI 7 finally bans it. The rationale remains the same: it was overcomplex, confusing and frequently asked for specification updates.

The replacement is dodoc -r, combined with docinto whenever necessary. However, I should point out that there is no technical reason to force html subdirectory for HTML files. Packages with a single HTML file or no non-HTML docs (sic!) can install them straight to docdir. Packages that have multiple HTML document trees can use subdirectories named after what they contain.

src_install() {
    # BAD: dohtml is banned
    dohtml -A txt -r foo/.

    # GOOD
    docinto html
    dodoc -r foo/.

dolib and libopts are banned

EAPI 6 defined three dolib* functions: dolib.a, and plain dolib. By looking at the three names, you may come to the wrong conclusion that dolib somehow wraps them both — but it does not. Turns out, it is just an alias for dolib.a, combined with support for libopts.

Looking at the current state of Gentoo, developers prefer dolib.a and with appropriately 4 and 5 times more calls of those commands than of dolib. Furthermore, apparently many of the dolib calls are wrongly used to install shared libraries. The remaining uses are either static libraries or other non-library files (for which dolib.a seemed inappropriate, I guess). libopts is not used at all.

In its basic form, dolib is redundant to dolib.a, and confusing to developers who assume it can also install shared libraries. Technically, the libopts variant makes it possible to use dolib beyond what the two other helpers provide — however, there has been no use case for that so far and it is unlikely there ever will be. Even then, it can be fully satisfied with get_libdir combined with doins, so there is no reason to keep yet another helper.

Therefore, EAPI 7 bans dolib and libopts. The two remaining functions are replacements:

  • to install shared libraries, their symlinks and any other file that needs to be installed into libdir as +x, and

  • dolib.a to install static libraries and any other regular file to libdir.

src_install() {
    # BAD: dolib is banned
    dolib libfoo.a foo.o
    # TWICE BAD: dolib was not meant to install shared libraries

    # GOOD: dolib.a installs files -x
    dolib.a libfoo.a foo.o
    # GOOD: install files +x

PORTDIR and ECLASSDIR are removed

EAPI 6 has defined three variables that specifically referenced locations inside the ebuild repository:

  1. PORTDIR — top directory of the repository,

  2. ECLASSDIR — its eclass subdirectory,

  3. FILESDIR — the files subdirectory of the current package.

After a very long struggle, we were able to eliminate the uses of the first two, and eventually remove them in EAPI 7. The third one was left but it can be easily implemented using a temporary directory without having access to the actual repository. Portage was modified to use such a shadow directory.

The rationale is that the PORTDIR and ECLASSDIR variables were pretty much fundamentally wrong design, and bypassed the package manager in accessing the repository. As a result, they were frequently abused, e.g. to access files subdirectory of another package or store data in ECLASSDIR.

Those variables dated back to the concept of a single repository with overlays. The PMS attempted to fit that old concept into the new multi-repo world. This created a weird hybrid in which both variables referenced an opaque concept of ‘master repository’. While it worked most of the time, it was an odd fit — as it did not necessarily reference the repository containing the ebuild or eclass in question but — with some luck — the Gentoo repository, being the final master and the source of abuse.

Furthermore, they also undesirably made ebuilds rely on very specific format and contents of the repository. Partial checkouts, full Manifest coverage (with protection from using unverified files), more optimal ebuild storage — PORTDIR stood in the way of it all.

As for replacements, there are none. If whatever you needed doing requires direct repository access, you were doing it wrong. That said, providing a way to access licenses was considered at a point. However, nobody has come up with a really good use case for it and it was abandoned as unnecessary.


Those two were pretty much implementation details that inadvertently made it to the variable list. DESTTREE used to specify the into install prefix, while INSDESTTREE the insinto directory. Historically, there were others like them but they have been retroactively removed in the past. Now we remove the two remaining variables after replacing all their uses.

If you want to set the paths, call into and insinto directly. If you need to limit their scope, put them in a subshell.

Getting the currently set path is unsupported. If you're trying to avoid repeating the same path multiple times, use a helper variable. Or just repeat it for improved readability.

dofoo() {
    local INSDESTTREE=/usr/share/foo
    doins "${@}"

# GOOD: uses subshell
dofoo() {
        insinto /usr/share/foo
        doins "${@}"

src_install() {
    insinto /usr/share/foo
    doins foo

    dosym foo "${INSDESTTREE}"/bar
    # GOOD: uses full path
    dosym foo /usr/share/foo/bar

# GOOD: uses helper var
src_install() {
    local mypath=/usr/share/foo

    insinto "${mypath}"
    doins foo

    dosym foo "${mypath}"/bar

Improved cross-compilation support


Developers doing cross-compilation on Gentoo have requested a split of build-time dependencies for quite some time already. There has been even an experimental 5-hdepend EAPI at some point but all the efforts were pretty much haphazard.

For EAPI 7, we finally managed to get the few relevant developers to focus and establish a real plan on supporting cross-compilation. Like Prefix, it is optional by design. The behavior for package managers not interested in the topic is clearly defined, and regular developers can continue writing ebuilds without much regard to the problem. The developers wishing to support cross can now modify the ebuilds without risking incompatibility between different package managers.

The first step in designing this part of the specification was to finally settle on consistent and unambiguous terminology. To achieve that, we decided to use the autotools triplet names. This includes the following three triplets:

  1. CBUILD — the system used to build packages, i.e. the one running the cross-compiler. This triplet is used to build executables that are run during the build. When not cross-compiling, CBUILD is equal to CHOST.

  2. CHOST — the system that will be running the installed package. There is no guarantee that executables built for this triplet will run on the build machine.

  3. CTARGET — only used when building some cross-toolchain tools, specifies the system for which the cross-toolchain is going to build. We can ignore it for the purpose of PMS.

Now that we have clear terms, I can proceed with explaining the changes.

Build-time dependencies split into DEPEND and BDEPEND

For the purposes of cross-compilation, it is useful to split build-time dependencies into two groups:

  1. Dependencies that need to be run during the build, and therefore must run on the system used to build packages (CBUILD). Those include toolchain, build system tooling (autotools, CMake), various language interpreters (Perl, Python), preprocessors (SWIG) and other tools (e.g. pkg-config). Those are placed in BDEPEND now.

  2. Dependencies that need to be compiled for the real system, and present for the toolchain to work. Those mostly include libraries since the link editor needs to link to them. Those remain as DEPEND.

Without the split, a strict package manager would have to build all packages twice. With the split, we can save time and reduce the size of cross-compiled system.

While the necessity of splitting dependencies was clearly agreed on, there was lot of discussion on how to name the new variables. Amongst all possible variants, BDEPEND/DEPEND were chosen for two reasons. Firstly, to avoid ambiguity in name (B goes for CBUILD, while H could be confused between CHOST/host). Secondly, because most of the existing packages in DEPEND fit into the second group, so leaving them in place follows the principle of smallest change necessary.

# CBUILD build-time dependencies
# CHOST build-time dependencies (e.g. libraries)
# Runtime dependencies

SYSROOT and ESYSROOT variables (for DEPEND)

The concept of sysroot was pretty well-known among cross-compiler users, and to some degree deployed as a user-defined environment variable. Starting with EAPI 7, sysroots are cleanly defined and supported officially.

According to the EAPI 7 definition, SYSROOT is the location where DEPEND-class packages are installed. Like ROOT, it comes with no embedded EPREFIX and has an ESYSROOT variant with prefix appended. When SYSROOT is different from ROOT, pure build time dependencies (DEPEND) are installed to SYSROOT, allowing users to save space on the filesystem running the actual target.


Originally, ESYSROOT used EPREFIX unconditionally. However, the logic has been changed retroactively as described below.

It was unclear whether SYSROOT should embed the offset prefix or not, and whether a different value of EPREFIX should be allowed for SYSROOT. Eventually, we have decided to use the following logic to keep things somewhat simple and working at the same time:

  1. If SYSROOT is equal to ROOT, then EPREFIX is used. Effectively, ESYSROOT is equal to EROOT.

  2. If SYSROOT is empty and ROOT is not empty, then BROOT is used. Effectively, ESYSROOT is equal to BROOT.

  3. Otherwise, no prefix is used and ESYSROOT is equal to SYSROOT.

src_configure() {
    # HACK: add include path missing upstream
    local -x CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I${ESYSROOT}/usr/include/foo"

    # variant getting prefixed path from an eclass
    local -x CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I${SYSROOT}$(get_foo_path)/foo-1.0"


BROOT variable (for BDEPEND)

Since we have explicit path variables for DEPEND and RDEPEND, it only seemed reasonable to include one for BDEPEND as well (PDEPEND is irrelevant since it is not guaranteed to be installed before ebuild finishes). The BROOT (build-root) variable serves that exact purpose. Unlike the other two variables, it is the full path including any prefix (which may be different than EPREFIX).

The rationale for this is that there are valid cases for cross- compilation with different prefixes. An example is building packages for a Gentoo Prefix on Android — we certainly do not want to be required to use a Prefix system with a matching prefix to do that.

We have decided not to split this path into a separate ‘base path’ and prefix since there does not seem to be any specific need for that. After all, the path is derived from the original build tool path which were / or ${EPREFIX}, depending on the EAPI in use. In this case, we are allowing a separate prefix and the choice of name between BROOT and BPREFIX was purely arbitrary.

src_configure() {
    # Call qmake from BDEPEND
    "${BROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/qt5/bin/qmake . || die

New ./configure parameters in econf

To help with implementing the new logic, two sets of parameters for configure scripts (via econf) were considered: --build and --target options for cross-triplets, and --with-sysroot for sysroot.

The --build and --target are used to pass CBUILD and CTARGET respectively to the configure scripts. Their presence (or rather, values disjoint from --host) enable the cross-compilation logic in configure. Both of them were added retroactively to all EAPIs, as being passed whenever the respective variable is not empty. This is because they were implemented this way in all three package managers for a long time — in Portage since at least 2005, in the other two since their inception.

The --with-sysroot option is specific to projects using libtool, and overrides the sysroot used by libtool (obtained from the compiler). It is passed in EAPI 7 if ./configure --help indicats that such an option is present (i.e. like all the other optional flags).

New options to has_version and best_version

As part of the new dependency type and location logic, the options to has_version and best_version needed to be updated. EAPI 5 has already provided a --host-root option that caused the query to apply to ‘host root’ instead of ROOT. However, we found that name confusing and eventually decided to replace it with another layout.

As of EAPI 7, both of those functions optionally take a single short option -b, -d or -r that cause it to apply to the locations of BDEPEND, DEPEND and RDEPEND appropriately. The default is -r. Since those commands scan packages, the dependency type names seemed most appropriate and unambiguous.

src_configure() {
    # HACK: missing split tinfo awareness upstream
    has_version -d 'sys-libs/ncurses[tinfo]' &&
        local -x LIBS="${LIBS} -ltinfo"


pkg_postinst() {
    if ! has_version -r 'app-misc/frobnicate'; then
        elog "You may want to install app-misc/frobnicate."


Finally, to help developers cope with all the logic, we have included a neat table that summarizes all the relevant interfaces for different dependency types. It is included below for completeness.

Dependency type




Binary compatible with




Base unprefixed path




Relevant offset-prefix


(see above)


Path combined with prefix




PM query command option




Version manipulation and comparison commands


One of the goals for EAPI 7 was to integrate commonly used commands for version manipulation and comparison. Those functions used to be provided by versionator.eclass. However, this eclass used to provide 15 different functions and that would be a lot for a new EAPI. Moreover, many of the functions were redundant, some of them used very rarely and all of them were suboptimal. Therefore, we decided to work on a new concept instead.

We have established how various functions are used, and prepared a new EAPI consisting of three functions that can wholly replace almost all the real uses of versionator.eclass. Those are:

  • ver_cut to obtain substrings of a version string

  • ver_rs to replace separators in a version string

  • ver_test to compare two versions

The first two functions work using a new, flexible version syntax that can be used to operate on Gentoo versions as well as on upstream versions. The third provides fully PMS-compliant version comparison routines with a friendly usage resembling the shell test builtin.

To provide some real-life testing, eapi7-ver.eclass was written providing the reference implementation for previous EAPIs.

Version strings (for manipulation)

The ver_cut and ver_rs functions use simplified version rules that are better suited for various manipulations than the standard rules used for ebuild versions. For the purpose of manipulation, the version is split into series of version components delimited by (possible empty) version separators.

The split is explained nicely by the eapi7-ver.eclass documentation:

A version component can either consist purely of digits ([0-9]+) or purely of uppercase and lowercase letters ([A-Za-z]+). A version separator is either a string of any other characters ([^A-Za-z0-9]+), or it occurs at the transition between a sequence of letters and a sequence of digits, or vice versa. In the latter case, the version separator is an empty string.

The version is processed left-to-right, and each successive component is assigned numbers starting with 1. The components are either split on version separators or on boundaries between digits and letters (in which case the separator between the components is empty). Version separators are assigned numbers starting with 1 (for the separator between 1st and 2nd components). As a special case, if the version string starts with a separator, it is assigned index 0.




















































Obtaining version substring (ver_cut)

Usage: ver_cut <range> [<version>]

The ver_cut function is provided to obtain a substring of the original version string. It is somewhat inspired by the coreutils cut utility. It takes the range to cut (<start>[-[<end>]]) and optionally a version to use (defaulting to PV when unspecified), and returns the appropriate portion of version components and the separators between them.

The function accepts ranges going past the version string. If it spans before the first version component (i.e. starts at zero), it includes the separator zero. If it spans past the last component, it includes the trailing separator. If it does not include any existing components, it outputs an empty string.

Examples (_ is used for alignment, it is not part of the output):
























































# e.g.
SRC_URI="$(ver_cut 1-2)/${P}.tar.gz"

Replacing version separators (ver_rs)

Usage: ver_rs <range> <repl> [<range> <repl>...] [<version>]

The ver_rs function is provided to perform a separator replacement in the version string. It takes one or more range-replacement pairs, optionally followed by a version to use (again, defaulting to PV), and outputs the version after performing the specified replacements.

Parameters are processed left to right, and each separator (even empty!) matching indexes specified in the range is replaced with a copy of replacement. Note that this function replaces zeroth or trailing version separator only if it non-empty, i.e. it does not prepend or append a version separator.

The replacement string can be empty to strip the version separators. When multiple ranges are used, the indexes do not change between replacements (i.e. stripping a version separator does not combine components until the function returns).

Examples (replacement being #, spaces added only for alignment, they do not represent parts of version string):



2 Ab 9 s





2 Ab 9 s





2#Ab 9 s





2#Ab 9 s










2#Ab#9 s





2 Ab#9 s





2 Ab#9#s





2 Ab 9#s



# 1.2.3 -> 1.2-3
MY_P=${PN}-$(ver_rs 2 -)

Version comparison (ver_test)

Usage: ver_test [<v1>] <op> <v2>

Finally, the ver_test function tests two versions for the relation specified as operator between them. The first version is optional, and defaults to PVR. If it is not specified, the operator shifts to first position.

The following operators (inspired by shell) are supported:

  • -gtv1 is greater than v2

  • -gev1 is greater than or equal to v2

  • -eqv1 is equal to v2

  • -nev1 is not equal to v2

  • -lev1 is less than or equal to v2

  • -ltv1 is less than v2

We have decided to use the ‘verbose’ operator names instead of literal < and > as the latter would require being explicitly escaped in bash.


pkg_postinst() {
    local v
    for v in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
        if ver_test "${v}" -lt 1.3; then
            elog "Some verbose upgrade message for <1.3 users"

Replacing versionator.eclass uses

As mentioned before, the new three commands provide replacements for most of the versionator.eclass functions. The table below lists possible replacements for all of them, ordered by approximate frequency of use (based on grep done on 2018-02-18).

Please note that some of those replacements are hacky. Usually, you won't be doing direct replacements of versionator.eclass functions, and rather considering how to solve the problem best with the new functions.



Possible replacement



ver_cut ...

replace_version_separator RANGE


ver_rs ...



ver_rs 1- ...



ver_cut 1



ver_test ... -ge ...



ver_rs 1- ''



ver_rs ... ''



ver_rs 1- ' '



length of above as array






ver_test ...



like array length above - 1

delete_version_separator CHAR








ver_cut 2-

replace_version_separator CHAR






Other new features and commands

eqawarn to print warnings for developers

Usage: eqawarn <message>

After years of being a Portage-specific extension with fallback implementation in eutils.eclass, EAPI 7 finally brings eqawarn. This an additional variant of output function that is specifically aimed at ebuild developers, and may not be shown to regular users (depending on package manager configuration).

The main use case is providing warnings about incorrect eclass use, or deprecated eclass functions. However, most of the Gentoo developers know that already — all that really needs to be said, you no longer have to inherit eutils for that.

dodeprecated() {
    eqawarn "Oh no, dodeprecated function is deprecated!"
    # ...

Environment variable filtering (ENV_UNSET)

The next useful feature brought by EAPI 7 is environment variable unsetting, or ENV_UNSET profile variable. As the name suggests, it is used to prevent variables from leaking from the calling environment. All variables listed there will be explicitly unset before the ebuild is sourced.

The main use case is preventing the calling environment from breaking the package build process. The PMS used to explicitly list a number of problematic variables to be filtered already. However, this list is outdated for some time already, and does not include e.g. XDG_* path variables which affect the build of many packages. Instead of constantly pursuing the correct variable list in the PMS, we have decided to let profiles specify them.

There was a lot of debate whether the behavior should be a blacklist or a whitelist. However, the latter has seen a lot of opposition due to requiring more work to pursue all the variables that user is actually allowed to set. Therefore, we have decided to implement blacklist for the time being.

# Unset XDG_* directories to prevent them from breaking stuff

Controllable stripping (dostrip)

Usage: dostrip [-x] <path>...

The previous EAPIs used to provide only a single switch to disable stripping in the whole package (via RESTRICT=strip). While this solved the problem, we have some packages where stripping is only problematic for one or two files, and disabling it for the whole package is undesirable. For this reason, EAPI 7 brings support for controllable stripping.

The concept was closely based on controllable compression. By default, stripping is enabled for all files and dostrip -x can be used to disable stripping per-path. Alternatively, when RESTRICT=strip is used, dostrip can be used to select files to strip.

src_install() {

    # you shall not strip!
    dostrip -x /usr/$(get_libdir)/very_important.o

GNU patch 2.7 compatibility

EAPI 7 requires the provided patch command to be compatible with GNU patch 2.7 or newer. The most important change, after the NEWS file:

  • Support for most features of the "diff --git" format, including renames and copies, permission changes, and symlink diffs. Binary diffs are not supported yet; patch will complain and skip them.

Other behavior changes

D, ED, ROOT, EROOT no longer have a trailing slash

The previous EAPIs specified that the four path variables: D, ED, ROOT and EROOT always end with a trailing slash. The rationale behind that was that the two latter variables frequently pointed at the filesystem root (/), and therefore ebuilds had to take care not to append a second slash to it. To allow handling this consistently for different values of ROOT, the specification made all variables always end with a slash.

While this reasoning makes sense, the behavior has been found unnatural by many developers. In the end, it created more double slashes than it avoided. Therefore, we decided to reverse that in EAPI 7 and now all path variables are consistently guaranteed not to end with trailing slash. Hopefully, this will be less confusing in the end. This has two implications.

Firstly, you always need to append the slash between path variables and the actual path (but not the variable and prefix!):

src_install() {
    # BAD: EAPI 6 form
    touch "${ED}usr/share/foo" || die
    # GOOD: EAPI 7 form
    touch "${ED}/usr/share/foo" || die
    # GOOD: portable cross-EAPI form
    touch "${ED%/}/usr/share/foo" || die

    # BAD: double slash here!
    touch "${D}/${EPREFIX}/usr/share/foo" || die
    # GOOD: variant with explicit EPREFIX (for some reason)
    touch "${D}${EPREFIX}/usr/share/foo" || die

    # GOOD: path returned by the tool starts with a slash
    touch "${D}$(mytool --get-some-path)/foo" || die

Secondly, if a path references the root directory, it will be empty. Yes, we know this is a little confusing. However, it is rather rare and it is consistent with how EPREFIX (or BROOT now) works.

pkg_postinst() {
    # check whether we are installing to the host system

    # BAD: EAPI 6 form
    if [[ ${ROOT} == / ]]; then
        # ...

    # GOOD: EAPI 7 form
    if [[ -z ${ROOT} ]]; then
        # ...

Output commands no longer pollute stdout

The output channel for commands einfo, elog, etc. was undefined in previous EAPIs. As a result, the messages were frequently output into stdout. While this normally is not a problem, it limits the ability of using them in eclass functions that might be called via command substitution. With the newly-added eqawarn this problem becomes even more likely.

Starting with EAPI 7, those commands are guaranteed not to output to stdout. Therefore, their output will not be caught by command substitution and you can use them safely e.g. to report deprecation warnings:

# my.eclass
get_foo() {
    if ! has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6; then
        eqawarn "get_foo() is deprecated in EAPI 7!"

    echo /usr/share/foo

# my-1.ebuild
src_install() {
    insinto "$(get_foo)"

die and assert can be used in a subshell

EAPI 7 brings two important improvements to how the die machinery works. The first of them is lifting the restriction that said that die must not be used in a subshell.

This restriction was added historically due to the implementation not being able to handle die from a subprocess correctly (i.e. implicitly terminate the parent process). However, over time such an implementation became a necessity. EAPI 4 already specified that most of the ebuild helpers die on their own, at the same time specifying that they must be implemented as external commands. So the rationale is simple: if the package manager must provide a logic for its external commands to die reliably, there is no reason not to provide it for subshells in bash code.

# EAPI 6 version
dofoo() {
        insinto /usr/share/foo
        # unclear if strictly necessary
        nonfatal doins "${@}"
    ) || die -h "dofoo failed"

# EAPI 7 version
dofoo() {
        insinto /usr/share/foo
        doins "${@}"

# EAPI 6 version
get_foo() {
    if foo_works; then
        # I can't die!
        return 1

src_configure() {
    local foo
    foo=$(get_foo) || die

# EAPI 7 version
get_foo() {
    if foo_works; then
        die "foo does not work!"

src_configure() {
    local foo=$(get_foo)

nonfatal implemented both as function and external command

The second change is specifying how nonfatal should be implemented. In previous EAPIs, it was unspecified and the package managers frequently implemented is a pure shell function. Starting with EAPI 7, it is implemented both as a function and an external command, making it possible to use it safely in both contexts.

The implementation as a shell function makes it possible to call other shell functions via nonfatal, which is especially important since die started to support respecting it in EAPI 5. The implementation as an external command makes it possible to call it e.g. via find or xargs in more natural way.

try_other_tests() {
    emake -j1 check-1
    emake check-2

src_test() {
    # Works in EAPI 4 and newer
    if ! nonfatal emake check; then
        eerror "Tests failed, please attach blah blah blah."
        die "Tests failed"

    # Requires EAPI 7: try_other_tests is a shell function
    if ! nonfatal try_other_tests; then
        eerror "Other tests failed, please attach blah blah blah."
        die "Other tests failed"

src_install() {
    insinto /usr/share/mytext

    # Works in EAPI 4 and newer
    if ! nonfatal find -name '*.txt' -exec doins {} +; then
        die "Installing text files failed for some reason!"

    # Requires EAPI 7: nonfatal called via subprocess
    if ! find -name '*.txt' -exec nonfatal doins {} +; then
        die "Installing text files failed for some reason!"

domo install path corrected

In earlier EAPIs, the domo function (used to install localizations) respected the install prefix set by into. This was inconsistent with similar functions such as dodoc, doinfo and doman which installed data files to /usr/share independently of the prefix set. EAPI 7 modifies domo to stop respecting the prefix and also use /usr/share unconditionally.

Empty dependency groups no longer satisfy dependencies

Originally, PMS specified that empty dependency groups of any type count as being matched (i.e. satisfy the dependency). This behavior was found contrary to the rules of boolean algebra, and likely to hide problems such as generated parts of dependencies no longer listing any packages. To address this, two changes were applied.

Firstly, the specification has been changed retroactively to require at least one child element for every type of explicit dependency group. Explicit empty groups (e.g. || ( )) never served any purpose, and were not reliably accepted by the different package managers. Therefore, they are banned now.

Secondly, the behavior of implicitly formed empty groups (that can occur when they nest USE-conditional groups whose conditions do not match) has been modified to match the rules of boolean algebra in EAPI 7. An empty group has zero matching items, and should behave the same as a non-empty group with zero matching items. Therefore, an empty any-of (||) or exactly-one-of (^^) group no longer satisfies dependencies while an empty at-most-one-of (??) group does.

# This will trigger an error if gen_deps outputs empty string
DEPEND="|| ( $(gen_deps) )"

# EAPI 6: this is satisfied w/ USE="-a -b"
# EAPI 7: requires a+foo OR b+bar
REQUIRED_USE="|| ( a? ( foo ) b? ( bar ) )"

# EAPI 6: this is satisfied w/ USE="-a -b"
# EAPI 7: requires a+foo XOR b+bar
REQUIRED_USE="^^ ( a? ( foo ) b? ( bar ) )"

Profile changes

Directories in profiles supported (not for ::gentoo!)

EAPI 7 allows a number of files in the profiles subtree to be replaced by directories, in Portage style. This includes the top-level package.mask file and the following files in every profile:

  • package.mask

  • package.use

  • package.use.force

  • package.use.mask

  • package.use.stable.force

  • package.use.stable.mask

  • use.force

  • use.mask

  • use.stable.force

  • use.stable.mask

If any of those files is replaced by a directory, the package manager will concenate all non-dot files in that directory and use their contents instead of the original file.

This has been approved with the specific note that it will be banned from the Gentoo repository by policy, where profiles will continue using regular files for the time being. In other words, it's intended as convenience for Gentoo forks (which amend Gentoo profiles) and other third-party repositories.

package.provided is gone for good


This applies to use of package.provided in the repository. It does not apply to the use in /etc/portage.

Finally, PMS bans the package.provided file from profiles in EAPI 7. This file could have been used to ‘pretend’ that some packages were installed while actually not using the relevant ebuilds. This was a horrible hack that did not support slots or USE flags correctly, and it was only used by a few uncommon profiles, for obsolete reasons.

Eventually, all uses were removed and the file is now banned. The replacement for it is to use modern virtual packages.

Rejected and postponed features

Minimal bash version at 4.3

One of the suggestions for EAPI 7 was to require bash-4.3. However, this was rejected as it was determined that it does not add any ‘killer features’ that could benefit ebuilds.

Sandbox path removal functions

The initial version of EAPI 7 draft included four functions to remove paths added by add* Sandbox functions. This feature has been initially accepted and implemented in Portage. However, it was eventually removed and postponed into a future EAPI in order to improve the interface — in particular, replace the 4 (or 8, with the changes) commands to manipulate paths with a single esandbox helper.

Runtime-switchable USE flags

This request dates back to 2012. It was codified into GLEP 62 2, and included in the EAPI 6 feature list. It aimed to provide a better solution for expressing optional pure runtime dependencies. That is, dependencies that do not need to be present at build time but allow the package to expose additional features when installed afterwards.

Using regular USE flags for those dependencies would force users to needlessly rebuild the whole package in order to enable or disable such a dependency. For this reason, the common practice is to print those dependencies as postinst message and expect users to install them manually. The idea was to add a special class of USE flags whose state could be switched in-place without having to rebuild the package in question.

Sadly, this feature was deferred once again due to lack of implementation for Portage.

||= — binding any-of dependency groups

The initial proposals date back to 2013. This also is a feature that was postponed from EAPI 6. The problem being solved is that the || any-of dependency groups work correctly only for pure build-time or pure runtime dependencies. If the package binds to one of the ‘providers’ in || (e.g. links to the library) and the user uninstalls it in favor of another one, the package becomes broken.

This problem has resulted e.g. in introducing binary USE flags to switch between providers that block each other, e.g. in case of OpenSSL vs LibreSSL, FFmpeg vs libav. The ||= operator meant to solve the problem by ‘binding’ the package to the current provider. The idea was inspired by the := slot operator; switching between different allowed providers would require rebuilds of the package.

This feature was also deferred due to lack of implementation for Portage.

Automatic REQUIRED_USE enforcing

This idea is pretty recent, and it has been described in GLEP 73 3. It meant to solve some of the problems reported for REQUIRED_USE constraints. Most notably, that their widespread use frequently requires manual resolution and clutters configuration files with changes that may only be required temporarily. This results in some of the developers avoiding REQUIRED_USE, and some having to use ugly hacks (such as split of practically equivalent flags into PYTHON_TARGETS and PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET).

The solution proposed was to clearly define the algorithmic meaning of REQUIRED_USE and allow the package manager to automatically adjust USE flags in order to resolve the conflicts. For example, if the package in question did not support using multiple Python interpreters, the package manager would automatically choose one of the enabled implementations.

This feature was rejected by the Council. It also had no implementation in Portage.

Cheat sheet / index

The table following lists all the changes in a grep-for form that could be used as a reference when upgrading ebuilds from EAPI 6 to EAPI 7.

Search term


EAPI commands / functions


now legal in subshell


-b, -d, -r for different dependency types


now legal in subshell


removed; replacement: dodoc -r, docinto


removed; replacement: dolib.a,


no longer respects into, always uses /usr


new command; controls stripping per file


GNU patch 2.7 guaranteed, git patches supported


GNU patch 2.7 guaranteed, git patches supported


no longer outputs to stdout


passes --build, --target, --with-sysroot


no longer outputs to stdout


no longer outputs to stdout


no longer outputs to stdout


new command; prints QA warning for devs


-b, -d, -r for different dependency types


removed; replacement: doins w/ get_libdir


implemented both as external helper and function


new command; cuts components from version string


new command; replaces separators in version str


new command; compares two versions

Eclass functions


provided by desktop.eclass


provided by desktop.eclass


provided by vcs-clean.eclass


provided by vcs-clean.eclass


banned; see epatch.eclass


provided by estack.eclass


provided by estack.eclass


provided by vcs-clean.eclass


provided by estack.eclass


provided by estack.eclass


provided by desktop.eclass


provided by desktop.eclass


provided by desktop.eclass


provided by desktop.eclass


provided by preserve-libs.eclass


banned; see ltprune.eclass



banned; all built-in in EAPI 7


banned; replacement: eapply (built-in)


most functions moved into different eclasses


banned; replacement by inline snippet


banned; replacement: ver_cut, ver_rs, ver_test



new metadata var; for CBUILD build-dependencies


new variable; location where BDEPEND is installed




removed; replacement: into


no longer ends with a trailing slash


removed; no replacement


no longer ends with a trailing slash


new profile var; blacklists envvars from host


no longer ends with a trailing slash


new variable; SYSROOT + EPREFIX


removed; replacement: insinto


removed; no replacement


no longer ends with a trailing slash


new variable; location where DEPEND is installed

Profile files


can be a directory now


banned from profiles


can be a directory now (+ stable variant)


can be a directory now (+ stable variant)


can be a directory now


can be a directory now (+ stable variant)


can be a directory now (+ stable variant)


^^ ( )

empty exactly-one-of group now evaluates as false

|| ( )

empty any-of group now evaluates as false



The Ultimate Guide to EAPI 6 by Michał Górny (


GLEP 62: Optional runtime dependencies via runtime- switchable USE flags (


GLEP 73: Automated enforcing of REQUIRED_USE constraints (