GURU: a new model of contributing to Gentoo (WIP)


Michał Górny

GURU logo



Gentoo accepts user contributions via a number of venues. Bugzilla, the most traditional of them is suitable for helping developers fix their packages but is strictly developer-oriented. Proxy maintenance is a great way to maintain packages by non-developers but requires significant effort from both contributors and developers. Third-party repositories are cheap to create but not friendly to end users.

All this considered, there seems to be a gap between overlays and proxy maintenance. GURU aims to fill this gap, by combining relatively low effort required to push with high visibility of well-known official repository. While using a rather different design, it is meant to be to Gentoo what AUR is to Arch Linux. 1

The project is somewhat similar to Sunrise, except that it eliminates the reliance on developers to review commits. Instead, it focuses on Wiki-like community workflow where everybody can work together to improve packages, and users gain reputation via doing good work. Users who already gained reputation use it to review packages, merge them for public consumption and at the same time raise reputation of the users submitting them. This creates self-sustainable community where Gentoo developer intervention is rarely necessary.

Existing and historical contribution models

Bugzilla and e-mail submissions

Over the history of Gentoo, I think Bugzilla can clearly be classified as the primary venue of interaction between users and developers. Be it bug reports, enhancement suggestions or new package requests, all of them allowed for the users to attach patches or new ebuilds.

The most important characteristic of this venue is that the result of user's action entirely relied on an existing Gentoo developer taking care of it. The files attached by the users may help the developer but the user can not directly cause anything to happen. If user submits a new package, he can't make it happen without finding an interested developer.

Bugzilla is presented as a canonical example of this contribution model. The same model is expressed e.g. by e-mail submissions, IRC pastes, etc.

The Sunrise project (historical)

The Sunrise project was a historical Gentoo project built around user-maintained, developer-reviewed package repository. At the time when I joined Gentoo, it was the primary venue for users to work on new packages and receive training necessary to become Gentoo developers. After all, many new Gentoo developers at the time (myself included) started with Sunrise.

The Sunrise model was based on a repository with two branches: a main branch where all users worked and a reviewed branch that was meant for public consumption. All users were expected to request review on IRC for their changes, and only commit once receiving an approval from a Sunrise developer. Furthermore, Sunrise developers periodically did review late commits (again) and merge them to the reviewed branch.

Sunrise eventually become defunct due to loss of interest both on developer and user side. Eventually, it has been discontinued in June 2016. 2

Proxied maintainers

The downfall of Sunrise was paralleled by rise of proxy-maintenance. In this model, users are allowed to maintain packages straight in the Gentoo repository, with one or more developers proxying the commits for them.

While this concept has been (and still is) applied to individual user-developer pairs, forming the Proxy Maintainers project was a turning point for its growth. This project focused on gathering developers that were interested in serving users as proxies, and eventually replaced the 1:1 model with M:N where a number of developers freely proxy a number of users. 3

The historical purpose of proxy-maint project was to find new maintainers for abandoned packages in Gentoo. Today (and especially since GitHub was adopted) the majority of submissions involves new packages.

The main advantage of proxy-maint is that it allows the users to take responsibility and share their work to all Gentoo users through the official repository. However, applying those contributions requires significant effort both from users and developers, and so far the proxy-maint team is continuously overwhelmed and unable to process contributions in satisfactory time.

User repositories (overlays)

Finally, another possibility for users to publish their work is to create their own repositories, historically called ‘overlays’. There is a great multitude of kinds of repositories and their uses. We have personal, project and quasi-public overlays. We have repositories focused on a single package suite, software category, and holding all different kinds of applications. We have cross-repository dependencies, we have overrides for Gentoo packages. We have repositories of great quality, and literal ‘dumps’ of random ebuilds. Finally, we have completely unpredictable mixes of all that.

The most important advantage of third party repositories is that they are trivial to create and cheap to maintain. You can practically commit anything you like to your personal overlay, without having to pass any review or convince any Gentoo developer to accept it. With a little more effort, you can get it published on the official list, and make it possible for users to trivially start using it.

However, this implies all disadvantages of the generic case of this model. Users are subject to a great number of repositories of varying quality and size. If you need to find a particular package, you may be required to choose from a number of overlays with no clear indication which may serve your purpose better. If you add a particular overlay, you may discover it actually overrides other packages you did not want replaced. Finally, since there's no real supervision of what happens in all those repositories, it is trivial to inject malware.

Project repositories

I believe it is worthwhile to isolate a special case of third-party repositories — project overlays. Besides aforementioned Sunrise project, some examples of long-lived Gentoo project overlays are the GNOME, KDE, Science or Java overlays.

Their distinguishing quality is that they are focused on a specific yet broad topic and supervised by actual Gentoo developers. However, they frequently give commit access to various external contributors, providing them with an opportunity to work with the project members (or even become them — if you disregard the limitation of Gentoo Wiki preventing non-developer project members).

Furthermore, those project overlays frequently serve as staging ground for Gentoo repository ebuilds. Therefore, the work of users eventually makes it to the official repository.

Effort-reach comparison


Chart presenting effort-to-user-reach for different contribution venues

The above chart attempts to describe where GURU fits graphically. The vertical axis represents the effort, i.e. how much time and work adding a package takes. The horizontal axis represents user reach, i.e. how many users will find the package added.

The middle line representing Bugzilla is taken as a reference point. In case of Bugzilla, the actual reach depends on whether any developer actually takes the patch/ebuild.

On one end of the graph, we have user repositories where the effort is relatively low and user reach depends on the popularity of particular repository. On the other end, we have commits made directly to the Gentoo repository which have the highest reach.

Proxy-maint is placed above Gentoo as reviewing and training contributors requires more effort (and of more people) than committing packages yourself. Sunrise is nearby, with its high standards still requiring significant effort and good popularity.

GURU aims to achieve similar level of popularity as Sunrise; however with lower cumulative effort. On one hand, some users will take the extra effort to review packages. On the other, it also provides for one-time package submitters.

The proposed GURU model

Repository layout

GURU uses a layout similar to the one historically used by the Sunrise project. There are two branches: the development branch maintained directly by users, and the reviewed branch intended for public consumption.

All GURU users obtain access to the development branch upon requesting it. Since this opens a possibility of seriously broken or even malicious code being committed, this branch is only intended to be used by GURU contributors, and only in the scope specific to their individual development efforts (i.e. even they should not add it to repos.conf).

The reviewed branch is entirely maintained by scripts. The commits from development branch are merged into reviewed branch as soon as they are reviewed, through automated scripts.

User access and workflow

Classes of users

Initially, three user classes are defined:

  1. Regular users — all new users belong to this class. Regular users are permitted to commit to the development branch, and to flag commits. However, they can't review packages.

  2. Trusted users — regular users are promoted to trusted users once they gain 10 reputation points. Trusted users can additionally review commits and therefore effect their merge to the reviewed branch.

  3. Developers — existing Gentoo developers belong to this class. They are permitted to review commits and also to remove flags.

Users gain 1 reputation point every time a batch of commits containing their commit is merged. In other words, a user becomes trusted after reaching 10 accepted separate contributions.

This model aims to provide self-sustainable user community while protecting the repository against using newly-created accounts to perform malicious actions. While new users could potentially commit malicious code, it would have to normally pass review of multiple already trusted individuals which is unlikely. In order to be able to review their own code, they would have to first put an effort into gaining trusted user status.

Gentoo developers are given special status for two reasons: firstly, to act as moderators who can react to acts of malice or vandalism; and secondly, as initial group needed to bootstrap the trusted user model. Once initial developer reviews elect first trusted users, those users can take most of the reviewing over and the repository becomes self-sustainable.

Commit reviews and merging

The commit reviews are also based on scoring system. Reviews are normally performed on commit ranges, and each approval gives all commits in the range specific score:

  • 1 point if the review is performed by a trusted user,

  • 3 points if the review is performed by a developer.

Once a commit reaches the score of 3 points, it can be merged to the reviewed branch. This implies that normally the reviewed branch is merged either if a developer reviews commits, or 3 distinct trusted users do.

Flag mechanism

The flag mechanism is added in order to provide stronger protection against malicious or otherwise harmful actions. Any user (including untrusted users) can flag a commit as either malicious, vandalising or suspicious. The flagged commit is reported to the community and blocks merging the changeset, even if it reached the necessary score.

Once a flag is set, it can only be removed by a developer. Once the developer confirms that the danger is resolved, the flag is removed and merging can proceed again. The developer can also issue bans and other measures against the individual responsible for the commit.

Package maintenance

Classes of packages

The GURU repository is primarily meant for new packages, that is packages that are not present in the Gentoo repository. Additionally, it is acceptable to provide new versions of packages that are unmaintained. It is not acceptable to override Gentoo packages; if there is a very good reason to fork them, the fork should be named accordingly and not interfere with the Gentoo original.

Accordingly, if a GURU package is adapted (or independently added) into the Gentoo repository, it should be afterwards removed from GURU. This removal can be done by anyone.


GURU allows for both community-maintained and individual-maintained packages. However, it enforces no technical access restrictions nor strong maintainer boundaries. The former class of packages is identified by lack of maintainer in metadata.xml (or an explicit comment stating that community contributions are welcome), the latter by an explicitly listed maintainer.

The primary purpose of defined maintainers is to provide a contact point for bugs reported against the package in question. If other users wish to contribute to the package, it is a good practice to contact the listed maintainer first. However, there is no punishment planned for non-destructive cases of non-maintainer commits.

Bug reporting

All bugs reported to GURU packages will be reported both to specific package maintainers and a GURU mailing list including all users. All users are responsible for keeping GURU in good shape, and therefore all users are asked to process bug reports.

Implementation choices

Implementation requirements

The GURU project requires a git hosting and a review system. The cumulative requirements for both are:

  • user access control, with accounts being associated to commits,

  • git update hooks that can reject non-conformant commits,

  • per-branch access control,

  • possibility for minimal CI integration (i.e. commit status information visibility),

  • ability to store per-user and per-commit reputation and flags,

  • ability to distinguish user types and their limitations in reviews and flag control,

  • good diff view.

Both elements can either be part of a single product, or be made of two or more complementary pieces. Notably, the review system will most likely require some custom coding; though it would be desirable to reuse as much of existing systems as possible.

Git hosting solutions

gitolite + cgit setup used by Gentoo

Gitolite is a git hosting backend focused on SSH access, and featuring configuration via git repository. It is pretty powerful, allowing for a lot of customization, including per-branch access control and any set of git hooks. The account creation is manual; however, it can easily be semi-automated using scripts, so that should not cause an issue as long as GURU continues to require manual account approval. 4

cgit is a web frontend for git repositories. Its most notable quality is that it is written in C (based on hacking git sources) and this gives it great performance compared to the alternatives. However, it is focused on read-only access to the repositories and does not supply anything very useful for the project. 5

An important advantage of the two is that Gentoo Infrastructure has them deployed. Therefore, taking advantage of them might both reduce the amount of extra work necessary and avoid the discontent proprietary alternatives would cause. However, there are many areas (reviews, CI integration) that would need to be implemented separately.

GitHub (and similar SaaS solutions)

GitHub is presented here as an example of a SaaS solution. There are multiple alternatives, more or less with the same functionality, therefore I do not find it necessary to consider them separately.

GitHub is probably the biggest proprietary hosting site for git repositories. It provides free hosting for public repositories, along with a number of useful features. I am going to consider them in context of possible GURU implementation. 6

GitHub makes it trivial to add new users to repositories. Notably, it removes the necessity of manually maintaining SSH keys, and given its popularity it enables a number of users to contribute without having to create a separate account.

It provides for good integration with external applications, including some free SaaS CI providers and possible external software written to provide status checks, reviews, etc. Besides providing API access to the repository and its GitHub-specific features, it also provides SSO that could avoid maintaining two account systems.

On the negative side, its flexibility is limited. It does not provide for third-party update hooks. While branch restrictions could be used to implement a subset of GURU review goals (a protected branch where people could only merge commits via creating a pull request and having it reviewed by N other users), they are not powerful enough to implement the full goal set.

Finally, since the service is proprietary some users are vehemently opposed to using it. This problem could possibly be lessened by using open source SaaS such as GitLab but not eliminated entirely.

GitLab and similar platforms (Infra deployment)


Custom review front-end design

Web-based front-end

Common project design practices suggest that the review front-end should be built as web application. Such an application would have to provide a user-friendly review UI with clean diff view, easy access to common review actions and clean indication of commit states. Such a task is entirely doable.

However, web UI poses a specific problem: since SSH (as used to authenticate committers) is not really suitable for regular HTTPS authentication, it requires a duplicate account system with a different authentication mechanism. This is technically doable, especially that all the common frameworks provide such a system. However, it increases account maintenance overhead.

Git-based front-end

One particularly interesting alternative is to use git as database directly, rather than requiring a separate web front-end. In this model, the reviewing is done via a dedicated CLI or GUI application that afterwards stores results as specific git objects. The action is committed via pushing the objects to server.

Most notably, this removes the necessity for a separate authentication mechanism. Since all actions are pushed via git, the existing git authentication framework will suffice. However, at the same time it becomes necessary for the server-side hooks to be able to verify the incoming requests and reject those which exceed user's permissions.

Furthermore, unless we can use additional server-side data storage, it becomes necessary for the hook to repeatedly reevaluate user and commit status in order to devise appropriate actions. For example, when users submit a commit range review, the system would need to first reevaluate user's reputation, verify whether he is allowed to submit the review, apply appropriate commit reputation updates and finally reevaluate the resulting reputation of individual commits and possibly merge them to the reviewed branch.

Questions & answers

GURU vs other projects

Will GURU replace proxy-maint (/ some other project)?

No, GURU is meant to be an entirely new project, aiming to fill in a specific gap. While it is possible that some users will resign from contributing via proxy-maint in favor of GURU, it should be noted that unlike proxy-maint, it does not provide a way to get your packages to the Gentoo repository.

How is GURU different from Sunrise?

There are indeed many similarities between GURU and Sunrise. However, the main difference is that Sunrise explicitly relied on developers reviewing all the commits, while GURU aims to build a self-sustainable reviewer base within the user community.

Why not revive Sunrise instead?

I believe that Sunrise died mostly because of lack of interest. While bringing it up again might get it running for some time, there is no reason to believe that it would meet the same end soon enough. Therefore, I think it is better to try something else.

GURU for users

Will GURU repository by enabled by default?

There are no such plans at the moment, and I honestly doubt it will happen in the future, at least with the currently planned contribution model. Most notably, GURU is not meant to force the high standards that are (at least theoretically) required for the Gentoo repository.

How is GURU protected against malicious users?

The primary protection is the review model. If a malicious user obtains access to the repository (which is entirely possible given no specific verification of new users), existing users should be able to notice his actions and reject them at review level.

For a malicious agent to be able to push changes to the reviewed repository itself, it would technically need to create three users first, and obtain trusted user status for each of them. While this is not impossible, it is considered costly enough to limit the attack scope. Of course, once the resulting attack is noticed, the accounts will be blocked and the attacker would have to start over.

A malicious user causing mayhem in the development repository is a more likely threat. However, this will not reach end users, so the end value of such an attack would be rather low (i.e. it would be vandalism). Furthermore, all the accounts will be confirmed manually, technically restricting the ability of quickly creating multiple accounts.

The acronym

What does GURU stand for?

It's a secret known only to the most trusted GURU users. However, the expansion most likely includes the words ‘Gentoo’, ‘User’ and ‘Repository’. Not necessarily in this order.

…but what about the second ‘U’?

Yeah, the little bugger likes to make trouble. However, it wouldn't be half as cool without it — imagine GUR, or maybe GRU (but then we would risk being despicable). Choose some U-word yourself. Suggestions include ‘Unique’, ‘Ubiqi… Ubiquitous!’, ‘Umbrella’, ‘Ubuntu’… oh, wait.

Is GURU a recursive acronym?

Sure, why not. ‘GURU Ur Repository, Umph!’

Why is there a whole section dedicated to the acronym?

Because it is the single most important quality of the project! Do you think anyone would have really look at it if it was named ‘random new user-contributed repository without a cool acronym’? Do you think I would be motivated to actually design this and deal with all the criticism if I haven't thought of that acronym in the first place and didn't want it to go to waste? I don't think so.



Arch User Repository - ArchWiki (


Sunrise - Gentoo Wiki (


Project:Proxy Maintainers - Gentoo Wiki (


Gitolite (


cgit - A hyperfast web frontend for git repositories written in C (


GitHub (